What are the advantages of an Exclusive Listing?

When you decide to list your property you can choose to list either exclusively or as a multiple listing.  If you choose to sell via an exclusive listing; you will be allowing only one Agency (such as Alert Property Group) or Realtor the opportunity to sell your premises. This will be formalized with written authorization giving sole rights to the agency chosen.

The advantages of an exclusive listing include:

·         The ability to choose an agency that matches your goal for the property sale

·         A closer and more thorough relationship between the client and Agent

·         Higher quality prospects or leads available to the seller         

·         An exclusive listing will guarantee that the Agency will put more resources into selling


An Agent that has exclusive rights is more likely to prioritize your work as they will be guaranteed your commission upon sale.  This in turn will ultimately drive a higher sale price, higher Agency investment in advertising and better customer service.


In conclusion; an exclusive listing agreement will allow both the seller and Agency to collaborate more effectively towards reaching their sale goal.  This arrangement can be considerably better than a seller or mass listing agent trying to juggle an already overflowing work load.